Tiny happy Buddha

Tiny Happy Buddha Adventure

Take a deep breath and SMILE 😊 Because you deserve to be happy

Deep breath are like little love notes for your body, send your body some loving ❤️ #TinyHappyBuddha


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All pictures and videos are created, edit, produced by Adam Quang via mobile 📲



Who is Tiny Happy Buddha?

He is that happy sunshine that exists in all of us. He looks at the world with wonder, seeing things around as if he is traveling and seeing them for the 1st time.

Everywhere he shows up, he brings happiness vibes and reminds us that we deserve to be happy.

Happiness creates world peace.


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Peaceful mind create a peaceful world. #TinyHappyBuddha

Meditation is valuable discipline that can help you stay young in both body and spirit. Through guided meditation, you will be lead through a series of exercises to help you better understand and appreciate meditation. Every session begins with relaxation exercises, after which we take the student through a series breathing techniques to help in maintaining focus. We then use visualization techniques to guide the student to a quiet mind. Over time students learn to maintain this state for increasing periods of time, through which they will learn to better manage everyday stresses.

[ms_column style=”1/3″] More 👉 Mandala 📹


[ms_column style=”1/3″]Click 👉 Deep Breaths Meditation Research


[ms_column style=”1/3″]👉 Meditation 📹


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